The company's management has set out in POR-03 Code of Ethics principles for ethical conduct of employees and anti-corruption rules in Valcovna profilov, a.s. The purpose of the code is to strengthen and support the ethical and moral values of employees in the performance of their duties in relation to customers, suppliers, colleagues, partners and to other stakeholders. The company is committed to conducting business in an ethical and lawful manner. In performing our duties, we must always act in the best interests of the company and focus our efforts on achieving the company's business goals and avoid behavior that could damage the company's reputation or business position.

     If there is a suspicion of unethical, illegal behavior or a violation of the Code of Ethics, it is necessary to report such behavior without undue delay. To this end, the company has established several options for reporting complaints, cases of suspected unethical and illegal behavior:

ETHICS LINE for reporting, expressing concerns of anti-corruption behavior,
violations of the code of ethics and for other suggestions of employees, suppliers,
customers and other stakeholders.

Notifications can be submitted in any of the following ways:

  • By phone: +421 905 702 521
  • By E-mail:
  • By sending a letter to: Valcovňa profilov, a.s., Rozvojová 2, 04011 Košice

marked: „Ethics Line“

     The flow of submitted notifications (expressed concerns) is set so that all notifications are directed exclusively to the director of the company, who as the manager ensures supervision of compliance with anti-corruption regulations and rules and guarantees the review of the notification.

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